Overdoses, Violent crimes, People passing away and Suicide
11/1/2016 (Permalink)

When tragic events happen in and around your home it is never pleasant and very hard to emotionally recover from. These are never high on the list for topics of conversation and many feel isolated with the stigma associated with some of them. They are however a very real scenes for far too many people in the area. We want everyone to know we too are sensitive to these issues and can help your home get back to normal as quickly as possible .
When someone passes away in a home there is so much sadness it can be hard to see past the loss. However when you realize that you are here and must begin to heal, there is a lot of work that needs to be done. Many times there is a lot of clean up that occurs. Death of a family member can be a very messy process as many muscles relax that were holding in a variety of fluids. There may also be a great deal of items that need to be disposed of. Ease the process by hiring a professional cleaning service. They have the chemicals and the proper knowledge of handling of any potentially contaminated materials.
Sadly in East Boston, Chelsea, Charlestown, Revere and Winthrop area we see daily overdoses and suicides on the rise. These overdoses are never pretty and come with a lot of vomit, urine, feces, many times blood and feces. All of these materials are very hazardous and it is not recommended that you clean them up yourself. Getting help right away is very important and can save lives. We always encourage that if you see something say something. You never know the life you may save. That being said once the ambulance has gone there will still be a big mess to clean up. Do not touch any of the bodily fluids without protective gloves, face masks, goggles and a suit if possible. Is it highly recommended that you call a professional as there are a lot of germs that you cannot see that are not killed with things like bleach and other consumer grade cleaners.
Another thing that sadly occurs in this area, are a lot of violent crimes. These crimes could be domestic disputes or could result from an argument at a party. No matter their reason there is a great deal of damage that can occur. Items within the home could be broken beyond salvation. Injured people could have moved to various rooms within the home trying to stay safe. This can result in a very large clean up project coupled with some bodily fluids that need to be handled with care. Once the police have conducted their investigation and released the scene. Please make sure you call a professional who is capable a full rounded cleaning and disposal of any of the residual effects of the problem. Have a restored home can do wonders on the healing from any traumatic events that may occur.
Remembering that you are not alone when there is a traumatic event in your life is paramount to healing and moving forward. We will be here for you through the tough times and help you where we can. Creating a community of support and developing strong bonds with our neighbors will hopefully begin to reduce the number of overdoses, domestic disturbances, violent crimes and deaths that occur. Until then one home at the time is our mission to restore and hopefully rejuvenate the community.